You can also check Convert KML to DXF. KML to KMZ, KML to SHP, KML to CSV, KML to GML, KML to GeoJSON, KML to TopoJSON etc. KMZ data which is used in software like Google Earth and GPS devices can be converted with one click to KML format used in software like Google Earth, Fusion Tables, Maps and GPS devices with the help of IGISMAP Converter.Ĭonversion of GIS data like KMZ to KML can be so easy with the help of online conversion IGIS Map tool.
KMZ is a zipped file containing one or compressed KML files. A person using these two Google applications can encounter a lot of file formats, including KML and KMZ.Ī KML file is a text based file composed of Tags similar to. Both KML and KMZ are file extensions used in Google applications, specifically Google Earth and Google Maps. In this post we are going to discuss that how can we convert KMZ to KML data format.